Europe Village News

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Milestones of the Europe Village Project in chronologic order:

March 5, 2019:

The newest part of our book got translated.

February 28, 2019:

The first part of the book got translated.

February 15, 2019:

The first part of the project’s book completed.

January 3-6, 2019:

The second workshop. Location: Szentendre

October 12-14, 2018:

The first workshop. Location: Budapest

September, 2018:

The literary professional leader hands out the first tasks for the authors. The group starts to work together.

March-June, 2018:

Promotion of the literary professional leader.

March-June, 2018:

Promotion of the project’s authors.

December 13, 2017:

Europe Village Ltd., which is the owner of the Europe Village Project, is founded.

The end of 2016:

The idea of the Europe Village Project was born. As Victor Hugo said: “Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come.”


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