All the information about the Europe Village Project can be found here, since our goal is to share as much information as possible about our work, our novel, and our authors.
About Europe Village Project
Our transnational literary project acts as a bridge between various nations in Europe.
Our motto is: ‘One Book for Europe.’
Start of project:
January 2018
Duration of project:
two years
A short introduction to our project:
- It is an international media project. Its participating countries are: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia.
- Project goal: creating a collaborative novel, with one participating author from each of the participating countries.
- Primary setting in the novel: Szentendre, Hungary
- Characters: people from the participating European countries as well as residents of Szentendre.
- The story is strongly connected to Szentendre, its culture, surroundings, past, and present.
- The task of our novel is to help our readers get to know residents form the participating countries as well as the town of Szentendre.
- Our novel’s important messages: environmental protection, sustainable development, and strengthening European identity.
- The Europe Village Project is going to be published in at least six languages.
The participating authors have been selected though an open application.
Pályázatunk nyertesei országonként
- Ausztria: Sieglinde Wöhrer
- Cseh Köztársaság: Jana Kyclova
- Lengyelország: Tadeusz Michrowski
- Magyarország: Vancsó Éva
- Szlovákia: Eva Zahradníková
Az írók munkáját irányítja és összefogja a projekt irodalmi szakmai vezetője: Zsiga Henrik (Magyarország)
A pályázatunkra jelentkezők létszáma országonként:
- Ausztria: 17
- Csehország: 21
- Lengyelország: 38
- Magyarország: 46
- Szlovákia: 15
The participating authors started the current literary work – writing – in August 2018.
They keep in touch with each other online and regularly consult our literary consultant.
We have held two workshops so far, which gave the participants the chance to meet in person:
- In October 2018 in Budapest
- In January 2019 in Szentendre
In these workshops, authors worked together to develop the plot of a novel, as well as its main characters. In addition, they got to know the setting for the book.
If you think that your readers might be interested in our project, please contact me, I would be happy to provide you with more information:
Péter Gyémánt
Project Management
+36 70 4088 300